Christopher's story
‘Christopher’ started attending CTF in June 2014. This is his story…
“I first got involved with CTF when I saw an advert in a local paper. I then checked the CTF website and found the Project Coordinator’s number. I gave her a call and she invited me along to the next session.
One of the worst symptoms of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder for me was the numbing of my emotions which causes a loss of interest in activities that I used to be extremely passionate about. Activities such as football.
I found that being able to participate with a group of decent people of all abilities has helped to reignite that passion and bring more excitement and meaning into my life. It has also been great to get some quality exercise.
The main difference with this service is that it is providing a sport that many people are already interested in and passionate about. Football is about teamwork, communication and respect and people are more willing to learn and teach these qualities when they are already passionate about something.
Before I came to CTF I had just finished a year of Person Centred Therapy. I had also been volunteering at an addiction recovery centre as well as looking for work at the Job Centre.
Since I have been going to CTF I have started exercising more by doing ‘body weight’ training known as Calisthenics. I have also started volunteering as a befriender which I really enjoy.
As well as improving my own football skills CTF has given me the opportunity to help and watch others improve theirs. This has also improved my social skills and helped me gain more confidence in myself and my ability to help others. Being involved with a group of decent people has also helped to restore my faith in humanity which has definitely been a major contributing factor to my recovery from PTSD.
I would thoroughly recommend CTF to anyone else who experiences a mental health condition.”